How manufacturers do extensive flight testing on aircraft

How manufacturers do extensive flight testing on aircraft

Airplanes are a marvelous piece of engineering. They can transport people from point A to point B safely at 30,000 feet above. They can carry as much as 800 passengers like for the case of the A380. In fact, air transportation is one of the safest ways to travel due to aircraft engineering that has evolved. While airplanes are assembled using state of the art technology, it is still necessary to do extensive flight testing.

According to Airbus, flight testing is performed to ensure the aircraft complies with certification and safety requirements, and meets operational needs. During the flight test campaign, the manufacturer performs specific certification demonstrations. They also assess general handling qualities, engines and operational performances, in many specific conditions (cold weather, high altitude airports). They also check aircraft noise emission and systems operations in real life.

State of the art equipment is never enough to simulate the harsh environment an aircraft flies in. These aircraft have to be tested in the real environment, consuming countless hours, and flying through different weather conditions. They have to tested in actual weather conditions and situations before turning them over to their customer. Safety is indeed paramount in the aviation industry.

Flight testing

In this video below, aircraft manufacturer Airbus shows us how flight tests are done and why they are necessary. This gives us a deeper understanding why flight testing takes long.

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