Should I Give Up My Flight Attendant Dream because I’m Only 5ft Tall?

Should I Give Up My Flight Attendant Dream because I’m Only 5ft Tall?

It’s easy to dream about the future when we were still kids. Imagine your naïve sweet looking face pointing out a finger into someone’s picture on a billboard and then you point it to the next picture in a magazine; to a doctor’s icon or any icon of profession you see around “I want to be like him or her!”, but have you ever asked yourself of what do you want?

Going through puberty stage is one of the crucial stages an individual could experience. This is where we undergo the so-called “transformation” physically, mentally, emotionally I suppose. As we age up, our thoughts change so as our life choices. They say change is inevitable in all aspects; from picking your favorite colors up to what job are you planning to land to build up the dream you want to have for yourself.

They say it’s free to dream so I did dream big dreams and still have big dreams in me. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been open to the thought of wanting to travel the world because I believe there’s so much in store for us to wonder and explore. There’s so much beauty beyond our very eyes. I’m sure this thought does not only speak to me but to you as well so keep your head’s up dreamers, coz I got news for you. I didn’t go after my “flight attendant dream!” instead I dreamt again because I also believe that to dream is limitless.

Huh, but why? Look, I may have the spirit of a wanderer inside me but my height does not correspond to what the airline intends to have. I’m not “5’2” or “5’3” either but I still wonder, what If I wear heels? It could add up a bit more to my tippy toes. Before, I felt so insecure that my height wasn’t able to push through after 6th grade; YES from 6th grade but I’ve always been reminded by Mom that height does not define the whole you. Looking at the brighter side, she was right. After all, I could still board the plane and experience a sky ride as a freewoman. Is there such a word? 

You see, every individual has her kind of beauty and differences in terms of physical appearance. I remember one question from the recent Miss Universe PH preliminary interview “What is your standard of beauty” and a lot of them answered that it has to be “ourselves”. Beauty cannot be defined by other people for you. Only you could define the true you. 

The term “beautiful” is more than just having a pretty face. It should not make you feel less whether you’re tall, short, skinny, or fat. It does not measure your worth as a person or what you are capable of.  To move forward to this topic, let us know why certain airlines proposed a height requirement and why do they need taller men and women in the field aside from having a gorgeous faces.

One reason why airlines are imposing height requirements is that flight attendants have important duties to fulfill inside the plane and not just to walk like runway models. Flight attendants are the ones in charge of the passenger’s security. Your frontline duty is to be your passenger’s helpline. As their safety person, you need to reach the safety compartments for emergency equipment to carry out emergency procedures when it’s needed which is why height requirement is such a big thing to consider. 

Should I Give Up My Flight Attendant Dream because I’m Only 5ft Tall?

Height restrictions vary in every airline. Based on an article written by the average of a minimum is (5 feet 2 inches) without shoes. Airlines also do an arm-reach test with an average reach of 212 cm. Most airlines like PAL, AirAsia, Cebu Pacific, flight attendants must be between 5’3 inches for the girls and 5’6 for the guys with a weight proportional to your height. While in Cathay Pacific, it requires to have a reach of 208 cm. Hence, some airlines simply require that a flight attendant be able to reach a certain height. 

Flight attendant influencers on youtube like Amalia Amari whose now working with PAL Express shared her journey on how she got in the industry by standing at 5 feet 1.  As part of the short squad, that symbolizes hope not only to me but to us who wanted this job so much. She said it may be a challenge to get in below the height requirement but what she pushed for is that it’s not impossible.

Most people believed that to apply for a Cabin crew position, you should meet the eligibility height criteria as per the airline had. This can be checked on the careers page where eligibility criteria are mentioned.

As you prepare for your flight attendant journey and you’re still bombarded by the fact that you’re not tall enough, that’s okay. With a proper diet, stretching exercises, and yoga you can increase your height.  But of course, it won’t be overnight magic, you need to work on it. As a flight attendant, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle so you could enjoy your travels and work at the same time. 

But if you think that you can’t do anything about your height well, you have to accept and love yourself for who you are. I honestly believe that we are here made for a purpose and that is for you to find out what. You’ll face rejection and criticism all along and will not only happen once so keep your head high and get yourself together because a lot more will be coming and even the best is yet to come. One important thing is that you keep on rising despite the fall and I think it’s brave. The most important thing is that you’re trying. 

So the question remains, should I give up my flight attendant dream because I’m 5’0? No, so please do try and try again. You can have that dream again, why not? If Moana has told us that there is more beyond the sea; well, you have the whole sky to look up to so do not give up. Whatever you dream of being or whatever opportunities you have on your plate, go for it. 

If dreams don’t work the first time, then dream again. If a flight attendant is not meant to be, then there are a lot of possibilities to work on so do not limit yourself from dreaming. Instead, dream more dreams and do not be afraid to fail because it is part of the process; it’s normal. Explore what you’re capable of because we are made for a purpose.  What matters is what you do after you failed. Everything can be possible if you make it possible so give it a try and soar high because the sky is the limit.

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